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We need to create Leaders in Safety, not just followers!

Leadership is the ability of a single individual, through their actions to motivate others to higher levels of achievement ~author unknown

Are you “The Boss” or ” A Leader”

  • The boss drives his men; the leader coaches them.

  • The boss depends on authority; the leader on good will.

  • The boss inspires fear; the leader inspires enthusiasm.

  • The boss says “I”; the leader “WE.”

  • The boss fixes the blame; the leader fixes the system.

  • The boss knows how it is done; the leader shows how it is done.

The boss says “go!”; the leader says “let’s go!”

~Author unknown

Leader’s basic role is to foster mutual respect and build a complementary team where each strength is made productive and each weakness is made irrelevant.

All leaders have to face problems at some time. Without problems there would have been no improvements. The leader must be able to communicate well and he/she must be able to listen just as well. If you seriously involve your employees, they will bring great ideas to help you improve.

Do you have the Enthusiasm it takes to motivate others? How can you motivate employees to follow you? How can you measure your success? How can you recognize and reward those who step up and help you achieve your Goals & Objectives?

Responsibility + Recognition = Motivation to Excel! If you make it a point to regularly recognize and reward employees whenever they impress you, you’ll rarely have to reprimand because employees will want to do the right thing.

Best Practice: Seriously involve your employees in safety and all the activities involved with creating and maintaining a safe work environment. This is critical if you really want to drive a culture change!

Best Practice: Recognize Good Performance! This is a very important supervisor leadership responsibility

Delegate! Hand out responsibilities according to the gifts of your team members, and their level of capability and responsibility and then let them carry out their duties according to their personal creativity and individuality. When possible, give a person tasks that are beyond their previous experience; this will allow them to grow.

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